Saturday, October 15, 2016

7,255 Emails Being Archived for Public Viewing

In anticipation of a run for President of the United States I have archived all 7,255 of my emails and have stored them in the cloud so that everyone can see them when they are visiting the Franklin Presidential Library* to be constructed in Clarksburg, West Virginia. No emails whatsoever will be deleted, however they will be sorted and rated similar to the Movie rating system (G, PG, PG13)

*Note: If you have ever sent me a unsolicited pornographic photo of yourself and you do not respond to the advance opening notice of the Franklin Presidential Library (scheduled opening November 2017) your friends, family, co-workers, neighbors and others might be talking about your family jewels behind your back. Advanced Opening Notices will be handled privately and confidentially in the near future to protect your identity to the general public. If you have moved and or stopped using an email account or an alias name and do not receive this public notice and thought your public identity was unknown THINK AGAIN.

THINK AGAIN because several Franklin family members did actually wire The White House computer room and the FBI center in Clarksburg, West Virginia. FACT. Long before Al Gore lost his emails.