Friday, January 22, 2016

Spotted Joe-Pye Weed: Eutrochium maculatum

I spotted this beautiful plant last year right near where the new 42 inch gas line was installed through Franklin's Mountaintop Farm. I rode the mule up to the house to get my cell phone so I could capture this picture with all the butterflies on it.

Eutrochium maculatum

I found this description when I was browsing George Washington's Mount Vernon Garden

Spotted Joe-Pye Weed: Eutrochium maculatum
Eutrochium maculatum is native to North America and commonly grew in 18th century flower borders.
Joe-Pye weed is a tall, clump forming perennial and prefers full sun to part shade and moist soil. The plants provide great height in the garden, reaching 5-7' tall and spreading 2-4' wide. From July to September, large-domed, pinkish-purple flowers bloom atop dark green leaves. Flowers attract butterflies. Joe-Pye weed is a wonderful addition to cottage gardens, meadows, native plantings, and around water. Deer resistant and clay soil tolerant.
Direct sow seeds into the garden in the fall and cover with ¼" of soil. Seeds require cold stratification and will germinate in spring when the soil warms. USDA Zones 4-9.
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