The 5 chickens turned 8 weeks old today
They were watching me use my Samsung Galaxy Tab and Einstein, that's really her name, decided she could use it as well, she did pretty good for her first attempt.Harriet Starr my banker from BB&T in Salem left me a message this week about the changes to my Bank Account.
When I went to the BB&T Saturday morning to use the ATM at the downtown Clarksburg Office it was out of order so I had to go inside, and I needed money for the Clarksburg Farmers Market, and I saw Harriet Starr there working, I thanked her for the phone message. She asked me what I had been up to since she hadn't seen me in a while and when I told her my chickens and my garden were keeping me busy, she related the following story to me.
She said that her boyfriend has chickens down at the Jackson's Mill Garden, and he lets his free range also, but when he left for a brief moment to run to the store, two stray dogs came by and killed all his chickens, even the rooster which they had chased across the road. The stray dogs were captured. I told her I try to be a good Shepard to my chickens, If I have to go anywhere they go back into the pens. What a sad story.